34: The Stories We Share

"Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released."
-Robin Moore

A multitude of stories reside inside each of us. Every day we live, every moment we spend, and every choice we make are snippets of the story that make up our lives. We are our own authors and the primary writers of our life's plot.

As we deepened our inquiry into stories, the children learned about the fundamental element of the plot and how it builds the foundation of a good story. Through different learning experiences, the children discovered that the beginning of a story sets the stage, the middle develops the plot, and the end brings the story to a close.

Collaborative Class Story Creation

Armed with an understanding that stories have a structure, we came together as a class to create our very own story. The children contributed their ideas, and we wove them into a cohesive tale. This collaborative effort not only reinforced the kindergarteners' learning but also fostered a sense of community and teamwork.

Hugo and the Snake
by Kinder 2
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Hugo. Hugo likes playing soccer on the field. One day, Hugo saw a snake in the bushes in the field. He was scared. He ran away to his house. The snake followed him. The snake went to Hugo's house to say, "Don't be scared. I am a nice snake. Let's play together." The snake gave Hugo a flower. He felt happy. They went back to the field to play soccer together.
The End.
What do you think of their story? 😀
Individual/Group Story Projects

Inspired by our collective story, the children then embarked on creating individual or group stories. They expressed their creativity and imagination, coming up with unique characters, intriguing plots, and delightful endings. Watching their stories unfold was truly heartwarming, and it was evident how proud the children were of their creations.

Cua Cua and the Apple
by Luna, Suzu, Tamaki

Once upon a time, there was a duck. Her name was Cua Cua and she was a girl. One day, Cua Cua was feeling sad. She was hungry and she couldn't find any food. She found an apple outside her house. She ate it all and felt happy. Suddenly, a big bell could be heard. "Ring! Ring!" It was school time so she went running to school.

The End.

Good Boy and Amo
by Emma, Mamoru, Daniel, Amaru

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Amo. He was a small Shiba dog. One day, he was running. He liked to play and run. He fell down and hurt his leg. A boy came along and saw him. He said, "Can I help you to go to the doctor?" He got a shot. The little boy brought tea. Amo felt very happy. He felt better already.

The End.

The Train and the Tower
by YiChen

Once upon a time, a train bumped into a tower. Out of the tower came a swan because his house was inside the tower. So the swan asked the train to stop bumping into the tower. 

The End.

Piper the Hedgehog
by Louis, Kai, Veronica

Once upon a time, there was a hedgehog called Piper. Piper had a baby. After, Piper went to the house. (Louis)

After Piper went home, she had a drink and ate food. Then he went outside for a trip and played. (Kai)

Piper played with his friends. They played and played and they all slept at Piper's house. (Veronica)

The End.

Writing For Our Classroom Story Settings

To make the storytelling experience even more immersive, we used the different corners of our classroom that we transformed into story settings as the jump-off point to a long-term story writing project. In their groups, the children used these settings to craft and share their stories. Each group’s story was unique, and filled with creativity and imagination. They took turns narrating, adding details, and even acting out parts of their stories. It was wonderful to see their confidence grow as they presented their ideas to each other.

I can't wait to see where this project will take them, especially when they get the chance to share their stories with their friends and parents. For now, we will keep them as a surprise as they are still a work in progress.

Stories Found in Small Moments

Some of the best stories are born from our day-to-day experiences. Here's a collection of small moments this week that highlight the importance of small moments, and the pause we need to enjoy the stories that live in these little pockets of time.

Plating Sweet Potato Seedlings

Suzu's Birthday Celebration

Amaru and Kai's Joint Birthday Celebration


This week has been a testament to the power of storytelling and the boundless imagination of our kindergarteners. By exploring plot structures, creating stories, and immersing themselves in imaginative settings, they have developed not only their storytelling skills but also their ability to work together and express themselves clearly.

All of us indeed have stories that live inside us. This week, we witnessed how each and every child in K2 has grown and transformed into a proud author and storyteller.

Have a story-filled weekend to all of you.

Your Kindergarten teacher,



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June 2024

  • 12 - 13
    Student Exhibition
  • 13
    Student Led Conferences/Large Canvas exhibition to be displayed
  • 19
    G 6 Graduation
  • 20
    Last whole school assembly (End of the year graduation)
