
Showing posts from February 3, 2023

20: Elements of Art

 I found I could say things with colors and shapes that I couldn't say any other way  -- things I had no words for. -Georgia O'Keefe When people express themselves, they share to the outside world a part of who they are. This may be a thought, feeling, or idea that is conveyed through artistic ways such as dance, drama, music, or art. The beauty of self-expression is that it gifts the world with pieces of the artist that come from their diverse experiences and unique personality. Every brush stroke, hue, or figure, when put together, create a composition that reveals much about the artist's story.  The past two weeks , the kindergarteners unleashed their inner artist and explored the different elements of art that they can use to express themselves. We discovered how colors, lines, and shapes can be used to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  ELEMENT 1: COLOR When used on blank canvas, the colors we use to express ourselves pop and create a vibrant picture for others