
Showing posts from October 20, 2023

9: Pardon the Mess

Sometimes the best learning happens in the midst of what looks like chaos.  Don't be afraid to get messy.  -Leah Ross Henry   A big part of experimentation is allowing room for the mess to happen. In fact, mess plays a big role in the progress and success of scientists, as it allows room for exploration and for mistakes to happen.  In the Early Years, messy play is an essential experience for children as it helps them to develop their brain's capacity to connect with their environment through their senses -- and of course, it's adds in an element of fun. According to, "Learning is often a messy business. Messy learning is part trial and error, part waiting and waiting for something to happen, part excitement in discovery, part trying things in a very controlled, very step by step fashion, part trying anything you can think of no matter how preposterous it might seem, part excruciating frustration and part the most fun you’ll ever have. Time can seem