
Showing posts from November 4, 2022

11: Autumn Treasures

 "Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." -Jim Bishop In every season lies a beautiful present from mother nature:  the warm sun of summer,  the bountiful flowers of spring,  the blankets of snow of winter,  and of course,  the many hues of autumn --- the reds, yellows, oranges, and browns --- which we get to revel in at the moment. The children came back from the autumn break with many stories of travels and new experiences.  We started off the week by enjoying the weather outside and collecting autumn treasures. The children were excited to find wonderful surprises from the trees on the ground, which they picked up with much joy.    Acorns and different coloured leaves were in abundance and were added to the children's collections.  They turned them into beautiful pieces of art, which we displayed in the classroom for everyone to enjoy.   To connect with our yearlong unit, the children used their treasures and turned them into a self portrait