
Showing posts from August 18, 2021

1: Welcome to Kindergarten!

  Welcome to Kindergarten, dear students and parents! To mark the start of our learning journey together, I'd like to share a poem with you that I discovered as I was preparing for this coming school year. I find the message to be powerful and meaningful for the students whom I will teach.  Don’t Hide Your Magic Don’t hide your magic; Please share your gift. Seeing you shine  gives the whole world a lift.  It’s okay for wizards To be quiet or shy, but hiding your magic is a crime and here’s why: The room needs to dazzle, it needs what you’ve got You mihgt think you’re nothing,  but really you’re not.  You’re more! You’re magic! It’s time to be seen. You’re more powerful than you know,  and more loved than you can dream. Remember your gift. You’re equipped, you’re prepared. And never forget: Magic is meant to be shared. -Brad Montague   This year, I hope the learning that will take place in and out of the classroom will be magical for the children -- something that will allow them t