
Showing posts from February 17, 2023

22: Sculptures

 "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." -Michaelangelo Sculptures are three-dimensional works of art created by shaping and manipulating different kinds of materials, such as stone, metal, wood, or clay. They can take many different forms, including freestanding objects, installations, and kinetic pieces of art. Wire sculptures that the children made a few weeks ago. Sculptures are an important form of artistic expression.  Because sculptures occupy space, they have a physical presence that can interact with the viewer in a unique way. Unlike two-dimensional works of art, which are typically viewed from a fixed perspective, sculptures can be experienced from multiple angles and perspectives, allowing the viewer to move around and interact with the work in a more dynamic way. A closer look. The kindergarteners began the week by unlocking what a sculpture is through investigation, observation, and the help of Sesame St