
Showing posts from November 21, 2022

13: Genius

 "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." -Oprah Winfrey Albert Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity. Leonardo da Vinci engineered many inventions that changed the way we live. Jane C. Wright made significant advancements in curing cancer through chemotherapy. Nikola Tesla studied how electricity works and pioneered the transmission of energy. Katherine Johnson used her mathematical skills to send people to space safely.  These are only some of the geniuses throughout time who had noteworthy contributions to society. They all excelled in their respective fields because of their passion, determination, and growth mindset -- traits that people from different walks of life can develop if they set their mind to it.  To deepen our inquiry on our yearlong unit on our interests and abilities, I introduced a new concept to the students: PASSION. We identified passion as   something we love  or   something we want to learn about.  I shar