
Showing posts from October 15, 2022

9: Dream Big

If there were ever a time to dare, To make a difference To embark on something worth doing It is now. Not for any grand cause, necessarily – But for something that tugs at your heart Something that is worth your aspiration Something that is your dream. You owe it to yourself To make your days count. Have fun . Dig deep. Stretch. Dream big.   -Anonymous Have you ever had a dream so big that felt unattainable? This week, the kindergarteners met a character so small who had BIG dreams. Meet Norman, a slug who wanted to be a snail.  The thing is, slugs don't have shells. So Norman embarked on an adventure to find the best shell that will help him live out his dream. He used a ball (it was too bouncy), a clock (too noisy), an apple (it was already taken by a worm) --- until he found the perfect one. Norman finally achieved his dream, but it was short-lived. While he was playing with the other snails, a hungry bird swooped down and carried his "shell" up into the sky -- with No