9: Dream Big

If there were ever a time to dare,
To make a difference
To embark on something worth doing
It is now.
Not for any grand cause, necessarily –
But for something that tugs at your heart
Something that is worth your aspiration
Something that is your dream.
You owe it to yourself
To make your days count.
Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch.

Dream big. 


Have you ever had a dream so big that felt unattainable?

This week, the kindergarteners met a character so small who had BIG dreams.

Meet Norman, a slug who wanted to be a snail. 

The thing is, slugs don't have shells. So Norman embarked on an adventure to find the best shell that will help him live out his dream. He used a ball (it was too bouncy), a clock (too noisy), an apple (it was already taken by a worm) --- until he found the perfect one.

Norman finally achieved his dream, but it was short-lived. While he was playing with the other snails, a hungry bird swooped down and carried his "shell" up into the sky -- with Norman!

Norman managed to free himself from his shell, fell from the sky, and landed on some laundry. 
He was okay, whew. He wasn't hurt at all -- in fact, he was feeling amazing.
He discovered another dream:

So a new adventure begins. Who could help Norman find the perfect wings?
The kindergarteners, of course.

Norman can fly using four balloons. The balloons have different shapes: square, triangle and circle. 
The square ones will connect Norman to the balloons.

Norman can fly using airplane wings. One on each side.

Norman can fly using airplane wings. The wings have many colors.

Norman can fly using many balloons. The balloons will carry Norman.

Norman can fly using many balloons. The balloons have different colors.

Norman can fly using a helicopter. The helicopter blades will help Norman fly.

Norman can fly using many balloons. The balloons have different colors.

Norman can fly using one big balloon.

Norman can fly using many balloons.

Of course, the natural inquirers we are, we tested the theories and designs of the children. 

First, we wanted to see if helicopter blades will work for Norman.

They do! They work even better when we launch from a higher place. 
Norman was very happy to fly using the helicopter.

Second, we let Norman ride a balloon.

He zoomed across the room when we let the air out! 
We think he had a blast and would very much enjoy another balloon ride.

Third, we tried to launch Norman in a rocket.

With enough force, he blasted off into the sky -- but not high enough to go to space. 
Still, he had the time of his life!

Lastly, we tried taking a flight with Norman ourselves. 

We got our passports and tickets ready.

We went through immigration.

Then through the security.

We were greeted by our wonderful flight attendant, Auntie Emi, who made sure that we are all buckled up. She gave us some snacks, too, and provided us with the best in flight entertainment. She talked about a flight attendant's role in keeping passengers safe and comfortable. She even shared the amazing adventures she had in the places she visited in the past.

Our pilot, Ms. Pam, gave us a smooth and turbulent-free flight. 
She had a perfect take off and landing, too. 😆

It truly was one of the best flights we've ever had. 
Thank you to the crew who made it happen -- especially Auntie Emi. 😀

Norman enjoyed the flight so much that he asked us for another round. 

Check out Norman's new and improved flight crew:

Norman the slug achieved his dream of flying, thanks to the kindergarteners' help, and to the people who paved the way for mankind to reach new heights. People such as the Wright Brothers, Alberto Santos-Dumond, Neil Armstrong, or Amelia Earhart -- who all dreamed BIG at first, before changing the course of our history. 

The thing about dreams is that anyone can have one. 
You can be as small as a slug, like Norman, or you can just be YOU, to dream BIG.

To connect to our yearlong unit, I asked the kindergarteners:
If a slug like Norman can dream BIG and achieve it, how about you? 
What is your BIGGEST dream?

My dream is to wear a lot of jewelry.

My dream is to be a baker and make lots of cookies.

My dream is to be a soccer player and score 10 goals.

My dream is to build and drive a Shinkansen.

My dream is to be a Mommy to a baby girl.

My dream is to be a soccer player and wear a red uniform.

My dream is to be a princess and to live in a palace.

My dream is to be a Mommy to a baby boy.

My dream is to have a lot of toys and play them with Mommy.

And with that, we ended the week with our head in the sky and hearts full of hope. 

We also said goodbye to Norman in our playground, as he is off to chase another dream.

How about you, what is your BIG dream?
I hope we have inspired you to chase it, regardless of how far and unreachable it seems.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Your Kindergarten teacher, 

Ms. Miho shared some photos of the kindergarteners' thrilling adventures in PE this week.
