1: Welcome to Kindergarten!

 Welcome to Kindergarten, dear students and parents!

To mark the start of our learning journey together, I'd like to share a poem with you that I discovered as I was preparing for this coming school year. I find the message to be powerful and meaningful for the students whom I will teach. 

Don’t Hide Your Magic

Don’t hide your magic;

Please share your gift.

Seeing you shine 

gives the whole world a lift. 

It’s okay for wizards

To be quiet or shy,

but hiding your magic is a crime

and here’s why:

The room needs to dazzle,

it needs what you’ve got

You mihgt think you’re nothing, 

but really you’re not. 

You’re more! You’re magic!

It’s time to be seen.

You’re more powerful than you know, 

and more loved than you can dream.

Remember your gift.

You’re equipped, you’re prepared.

And never forget:

Magic is meant to be shared.

-Brad Montague

 This year, I hope the learning that will take place in and out of the classroom will be magical for the children -- something that will allow them to share their voice, advocate for their choices, and give them ownership of how and what they want to learn. 

During the past week, the early years teachers have been working hard to create a learning environment that will cater to the growth of each child's interest as well as build a collaborative community within the classroom. The materials we picked are open-ended and diverse, which allows the learning environment to change and grow with the children as the school year progresses.

One big change for this school year is how the Kindergarten classes will be called. We're shifting from the Blue and Yellow teams to Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 to allow for a streamlined progression of the classes. 

In the meantime, the blogs of Kindergarten 1 and 2 will be combined as we wait for the arrival of our new teacher, Ms. Leanne Rees. In her absence, we will be joined by a qualified and experienced teacher, Ms. Uma Ghogar, who has worked with DSKI for a while as a substitute for our staff. She will be working closely with me as we plan for the learning engagements that will take place in both Kindergarten classrooms. We will also be working with two new members of the early years team this year: Ms. Miho Kawachi who will be the PE, Library, and assistant teacher to Kindergarten, and Mr. David Meerwein, who will assist the Kindergarten team as well. We are also happy to share that Ms. Azusa Nakajima will continue to join the Kindergarten team for some classes within the day. 

Below is the schedule for both Kindergarten classes for this school year:

Kindergarten 1 Schedule

Kindergarten 2 Schedule 

The students will have opportunities throughout the day to direct their own learning, as well as take part in our units of inquiry that connect with different areas of study. A big part of the early years is anchored on play, which will be reflected in the design of the learning engagements in the classroom, as well as the opportunities for free play within the day.  

To ensure a smooth transition for this year, kindly ensure that your child will come to school with the following items:

Everyday (in their backpacks)
a set of clothes for changing 
hand towel with loop
water bottle
a healthy snack
a balanced lunch (unless your child is under the lunch program)

This Week (to be left in school)
a pair of indoor shoes 
2 complete sets of clothes
Hat and sunblock
A box of tissue
A pack of wet wipes
6 plastic bags for dirty clothes

In my 18 years of teaching, I've come to learn that a big part each child's success isn't solely dependent on themselves, especially at this age. The role of the parents and the teachers, and the care and support they provide each child is an essential factor that allows for a child's potential to be met, as well as their happiness to be realized. I look forward to working closely with all of you to make this school year as fruitful and as meaningful as possible. 

See you all tomorrow, and have a wonderful day!

Your Kindergarten teacher, 

