10: Trick or Treat?

 Sticky fingers, tired feet;
One last house, trick or treat!

-Rusty Fischer

Trick or treat, a well-loved Halloween tradition, has become a quintessential part of the autumn season, captivating the hearts of both the young and the young at heart.  Children, adorned in elaborate costumes, traverse neighborhoods, eagerly chanting the familiar refrain, trick or treat!

In DSKI, the festivities on this day were abound with colorful decorations, spooky and fun costumes, as well as sweet and delectable confectioneries. To tie in with the season, this week in Kindergarten 2 was all about discovering and collecting tricks or treats through different fun and learning experiences. 

Let's have a walk through the whole week and experience Kindergarten 2's unique take on tricks and treats.

Back from Autumn Break

We all came back from the break with refreshed energy and loads of stories waiting to be shared. We unleashed our narratives through a story workshop that focuses on this question:

What is your autumn break story?

As always, the children used the loose parts in the classroom to write their stories.

Have a look at their autumn stories. 

I went to Taiwan with my family. We rode an airplane. 
We visited my grandma's house. I also went to a park with my sister. 

I went to Legoland with Daddy, Mommy and Emma. 
I played a lot. There were some animals there. I had fun.

I went to Mario World with Daddy. Ren and Mommy went somewhere else. 
I dressed up as Luigi. I played with the coin block. When you punch it, you get points. 
It was fun in Mario World.

I went to the park. There are animals. We had a barbecue.
I ate hamburger. I was with Mommy and Daddy. I had fun.

I went to Taiwan with Mommy and Daddy. We rode an airplane.
In Taiwan, we went to the museum with Luna. After that, we ate with Yaya's friends.

I went to Legoland. I played with Olivia. We ate pumpkin together.
It was really good.

I went to the bouncing place with Mommy. I saw so many pets. 
I met a new playmate. Antoine was also there but he didn't bounce. 
I had fun.

I went to the hotel with Mommy and Daddy. We played. We ate cookies. 
We ate cherries and carrots. There was a nice bed. 

I went to Legoland with Mommy, Daddy, and Cio. We played together. 
We rode some rides. I got new Lego.

Trick or Treat?
It was definitely a treat to hear about all the autumn stories of the children!

Upon coming back from the break, we also observed the change in the weather and our surroundings. The air felt more crisp and the leaves started changing their colors. We decided to spend some time outside with our Kindergarten 1 friends to enjoy the beauty of autumn, and to rekindle friendships with each other after the weeklong break.

Trick or Treat?
It was definitely a treat to spend time with friends outdoors!

It's Halloween!

The anticipation of Halloween was palpable from the moment the children came back from the break. On Tuesday, the kindergarteners came to school in costumes that mirror their personalities and interests -- it was so fascinating to see how diverse they all are. 

Trick or Treat?
It was a treat to witness the children showcasing their choice of costume and who they were portraying for the day. It was a chance for them to let their differences shine!

Of course the actual trick or treat was the highlight for all the children (and the children at heart!) Happy smiles and shy smiles were evident in the kindergarteners' faces as we walked around the school to gather as many candies and mikans as their little buckets could fit.

Trick or Treat?
Candies and sweets? No doubt is was a treat for the children!

Of course the children wanted to sample their loot from trick or treating, so we brought them out for a picnic during snack time, and played enjoyed the small playground in the park for outdoor play.

Trick or Treat?
Picnics are always a treat, don't you think so?

Disappearing Sugar and Colorful Drops of Water

We dove right back into our inquiry by doing an experiment using the primary ingredient of the candies that we collected during Halloween: sugar. We wanted to find out what will happen if we add sugar with water, and left pieces of fuzzy wires (first letters of their names) in the solution for a week. In the experiment, the children understood the importance of following a process. Each of them waited for their turn to do a step, and shared the joy in creating the experiment together. 

They also learned the value of patience since visible results of their experiment will take a few days to form. Do you have any guesses on what will happen?

Trick or Treat?
We were surprised to see how the sugar disappeared in the water when we stirred it continuously. The water also became so sticky afterwards. It was definitely a trick of science, if I may say. But there was also a treat --- licking our sugary fingers after the experiment (even after Ms. Pam said no. 😆)

Since patience was required of us for our sugar experiment, we extended it to another one that would need us to wait for a day to get results. We practiced our fine motor skills by using a pipette to transfer drops of water into small ice trays. We created a spectrum of colored liquid that truly looked like art. We put the trays in the freezer once we filled up all the squares, and waited for the next day to come. 

Trick or Treat?
We observed that the colors change when we mix them together. It was like our eyes were playing tricks on us. It was also a bit tricky to use the pipette without spilling anything on the table -- but our fingers are getting stronger with the exercise! 

Frozen Water and Melting Ice

Our patience paid off and the day to check our colored water experiment is finally here. 
I asked the children,
"What do you think happened to the water?"
"It became ice,"
"It's cold," 
"It's hard,"
they said.

We played with the ice to see how it will change. We played with it using our hands, we put it in water, and we even tried blowing on it to see what will happen. We also made art, since the water is colored after all. 

We added another element -- salt -- to see what will happen if we add it to the ice cubes. We discovered that salt melts the ice faster. We also we learned that sometimes, experiments don't work the way we plan. We tried adding the salt to the ice cubes and picking them up with string after a few minutes, but our experiment didn't work. The salt stuck on the string but the ice cubes were too heavy for the string to carry. 

Trick or Treat?
We discovered that liquids and solids are tricky! Their properties change -- like when water turned into ice, and ice turned back into water. It was definitely a treat for us, too, to play with the ice and water.

Since we learned that liquids can turn into solids when we freeze them, we decided to freeze some sugary water to see if we can have them as treats. We got some fruit juice and poured them into popsicle containers, then we put them in the freezer once again. Now, we wait.

Trick or Treat?
We think it will be a treat if the experiment is a success!

Our Favorite Day

It's the day that we have been waiting for --- Friday is finally here! We were all so eager to check if our fruit juices turned into mouth-watering popsicles, and indeed, they have.

Our experiment was a success and we enjoyed our creation during snack time. 

Trick or Treat?
Oh, this one was definitely a treat! Not only was it delicious, but we made it ourselves, too.

Since we learned that we can turn liquids into solids, this time, we want to find out if we can turn solids into liquid -- and back into a solid. Do you think it's possible?

We gathered some of our old crayons and peeled the wrapper off. We then cut them into smaller parts to make them fit into silicone moulds. We chose the best colors that we think would go well together.

Trick or Treat?
Unfortunately, we didn't have time to finish the experiment this day, but we will continue it next week. We think it's going to be another trick because science is cool that way. 

We ended our week by watching a movie called The Elementals. We learned that there are different elements and that they all have their own properties. They cannot mix though, because there could possibly be disastrous results. 

Trick or Treat?
The children definitely enjoyed this treat to end the week -- some of them were excited to rewatch the movie, and share what they learned with their friends.


Whether it's a trick that got us thinking or a treat that tickled our taste buds, every day of the week filled our buckets not just with candy, but with fun and memorable learning experiences, too. This week, we didn't just fill our happy tummies with sweets, we also collected wonderful memories.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Your Kindergarten teacher, 

Upcoming Events:

Sankt Martin
November 10th
5.00pm on the school yard
On Friday, November 10th, we are going to celebrate St.Martins' Day with a short play, songs and a Lantern March. We will meet in the school yard at 5 pm in the afternoon when it is getting dark outside.

Important: Please note that parents must accompany their child/children during the event as it takes place outside school hours. After school child care is available until the beginning of the event at 5 pm.

The official event will finish as soon as we return to school from the Lantern March but there will be hot childrens’ punch and mulled wine waiting for you outside of school, kindly being sponsored.

- Please note that this is a school event and so there is after school child care available until the beginning of the event at 5.00pm for families who need it.


DSKI Open Day for DSKI Parents 
23rd November
8.45am - 10.00am
We would like to once again invite all our families to come in and see our school at work. It is a great opportunity for parents of younger children to see what the older children do in our upper grade levels. 

So parents of early years, please take a look in our primary school and lower primary parents please do feel free to have a walk around upper primary school!
