15: 'Tis the Season

To believe in making wishes
And have faith they can come true

To believe that you can find some joy

In everything you do

To believe in giving gladly

For no reason, just because

To believe in love… that’s what it means

To believe in Santa Claus.

For many children around the world, the anticipation of Christmas is coupled with the excitement of a visit from Santa Claus. They prepare their tree and wait eagerly for Christmas Eve, hoping that dear old Kris Kringle will stop by their home and grant them their holiday wishes. He is, after all, well known for his generosity and for spreading the message of kindness around the world.

For the past two weeks, we began our new unit on art and emotions in anticipation of the coming Christmas season. The children began their first art creation with Christmas in mind by making ornaments for our Christmas tree from scratch. Like Santa and the elves, the kindergarteners began the process of creating something beautiful from raw materials, and invested time and a lot of love in the process.

First, we used flour, salt, and water to create our dough. We measured them using our cups in the room, and mixed the ingredients with our own hands. 

Next, we molded them into different shapes that are just the right size for our tree. Then comes the baking part. This was a learning process even for the teachers as the first batch that we cooked got burnt! The children said, "It's okay to make mistakes, Ms. Pam. We can still use them."

We then painted them all using bright colors -- shades of red, blue, and yellow, and everything in between.

Getting our hands dirty was a big part of it, of course. 

Then, it was time for the sparkles.

And of course, the best part -- hanging it on the Christmas Tree. We each chose the best spot on the tree where we could hang our favorite ornament that we made. It was a whole community collaboration, as the other children in school also made their own ornaments and displayed them on the tree. 

On the day that the Christmas Tree was lit up in school, we received the beautiful advent calendar that marked the official start of our Christmas celebrations. 

Of course, we loved the games, activities, and gifts that came with it. 

The spirit of Christmas is very much alive in Kindergarten 2. 

For our Story Workshop, I asked the children,

How do you want to celebrate Christmas? 
What would you feel if you celebrated this way?

I'll be with my family. We have already decorated our Christmas tree. I want a sword for Christmas and a helicopter, and I'll fight my new helicopter with my sword. I'll also eat ice cream for Christmas. I will be happy.

I'm going to decorate the Christmas tree. We have two trees, one big and one small. This is my car. We use it to travel during Christmas. We'll light candles up and celebrate together. I am happy.

For Christmas, I will be at home. I will open presents from the Christmas. These presents will be from Santa Claus. I hope he gives me a toy dinosaur. I will be very happy when I get one. 

For Christmas, I'll write a letter to Santa Claus. I want a Pokemon house. 
I'll eat curry rice for Christmas. I am happy.

I want presents for Christmas. I'll write a letter to Santa. I want a "chibiko train," a trailer, and another toy. I'll have cookies and milk. I'll go skiing. I am happy.

Emma C.
For Christmas, I am going to Australia with Mommy, Daddy, and Mia. We will decorate a Christmas tree. I'll write my letter to Santa and I'll ask for a toy and puppets. I'll also have a cake for my birthday. I am happy.

I want to get a park toy for Christmas. I'll ask my mom to help me write a letter to Santa. We'll decorate our Christmas tree. I'll be in Japan. My dad's parents are coming to celebrate with us. I am happy.

For Christmas, I want to celebrate with Mommy, Daddy and Ellie. I want to put flowers around the house for Christmas. Santa will come and he will put a present under the Christmas tree. I wish I can get more flowers from Santa. I am happy.

For Christmas, I wish Santa will give me an energy car. It's a cool car. When it's dry, it goes. When it's empty, it's going to stop. I want to drive it. The engine makes it go. I wish Santa would give me one for Christmas. I will be happy if he does.

For Christmas, I want a swimming toy from Santa. I will tell Mommy and Daddy or Grandma and Grandpa to open the door and put socks so Santa can put the gift there. I will put tape on the socks to make it stick but I still need to buy tape because I don't have it anymore. I also want a Christmas tree in Daddy and Mommy's house. I want Mommy to buy flowers for Christmas. I am happy.

Emma I.
For Christmas, I want magic snow from Santa Claus. I want to celebrate Christmas with my family. Everyone will say "Merry Christmas" together. I also want to give my Mommy and Daddy a gift -- flowers! I want to give my brother and sister a card. I will be happy in Christmas. 

For Christmas, I want to spend it with Mommy and Daddy. I wish I will get a sports car. I want to see it under the tree and wrapped in nice paper. I will open it and play with it. I wish it's color blue and fast. I will feel very happy.

For Christmas, I want a big and small helicopter. I will wait for Santa. I will give him cookies and milk to make him happy. He will give me a present and I will open it. I will make a thank you card for Santa. I am very happy.

For Christmas, we will be together with my family. We will put on a big Christmas tree and we'll open our presents together. I'll eat a lot of meat. I'll be in Germany with my grandma and my friend. I am very happy.

How about you? How do you plan to celebrate Christmas?

Regardless of what it looks like, I think one thing's for sure: 
the spirit of the season will remain alive in us if we remember to find the joy in giving, 
and to have faith that whatever we wish for will come true.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Your Kindergarten teacher, 
