35: Extraordinary

"The extraordinary will take care of itself."
-William Martin

 It was a year of making the ordinary come alive in Kindergarten 2.

We learned that we are capable of making choices;

Whether it’s the food we eat,

the clothes we wear,

the games we play,

or how we treat others,

Our choices matter.

We learned that we can make a big impact through small actions;

Whether it’s through reusing our things,

refusing to use non-recyclables,

reducing our consumption,

or recycling our waste,

We play a role in saving our planet.

We learned that we can nurture life and marvel at its growth;

Whether it’s through planting a seed,

watering a plant,

appreciating the gift of trees,

or feeding little worms with our scraps,

Our love and care make the world a better place.

We learned that we have a voice through our stories;

Whether it’s about a princess and a dragon,

a family of monkeys,

an astronaut and some aliens,

or ourselves,

Our words are a source of inspiration and hope.

We learned that who we are matters;

Whether it’s through our inquiries and curiosities,

the ways we express ourselves,

our ideas and feelings,

or our interests and passions,

We are all unique and equally special.

Most especially, 

We learned that kindness goes a long way.

Whether it’s through a simple hello,

an invitation to play,

sharing our time and toys,

or welcoming a new friend,

We make a difference in the lives of others.

It was a year of making the ordinary come alive in Kindergarten 2.

The extraordinary took care of itself, 

and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Inspired by the poem of William Martin entitled “Make the Ordinary Come Alive”

Thank you, Kinder 2 and parents, for making this an extraordinary year.
You have all made a difference in me.

And for one last time,
your Kindergarten teacher,
