4: Our Choices Matter

A big part of who we are comes from the choices we make everyday. Whether they’re big choices or small choices, our decisions have an impact on our life. 

For the first unit of the Kindergarteners under the theme Who We Are, the children will be inquiring into the concept of choices and how they affect our well-being. What better way to do it than to focus on food!

The children started the unit by sharing how they see themselves through their own eyes. Using the materials in the classroom, they created different self-portraits that capture who they are now, at the beginning of Kindergarten.

We have also begun unlocking the meaning of the word CHOICE, which I introduced through the story called Would You Rather Be a Princess or a Dragon? 

We came up with many ways that we make choices — from the games we play, to the songs we sing, and even to the donut flavors we eat. Of course, our food choices are also on the list!

The talk about food got the children excited, which got me excited so I shared a story that features my all-time favorite food: spaghetti. 

The children also had their chance to share their favorite food through Matisse-inspired art pieces which we called What On My Plate? 

Aside from this, we’ve started teaching the children the importance of asking questions and how this can help us learn. They shared their wonderings and curiosities about food, and we’ll try our best to answer as many of these as we go through the unit (if you know the answers to some, please let me know!)

One of the highlights of the week was two trips to Toho: one for window shopping, and the other to buy their choice of food with a ¥500 budget. They prepared for the trip by creating a grocery list, which was a great guide for them at the shop. 

Their choices were truly interesting, but what stood out for me upon observing them is their process of decision making. Through their comments, I was able to gather that they are already aware of what healthy choices are, but most still chose to buy candies, chocolates or ice cream! There was even a struggle with one student in choosing between a cucumber and a pack of candies, as his budget couldn’t buy both (the candies won!)

As the kids were shopping, I also did a little shopping of my own and bought a few fruits and vegetables that we could add to one of our exploration tables. The children were amazed to see “real food” in the classroom, and have begun observing them using their five senses.

It was a fun-filled week of tuning in to our new unit. I look forward to learning more with the children and to see how their choices will change in the next few weeks. 


Thank you, parents, for sending your family photos. We have set up our family corner that the children love looking at whenever they miss you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Kindergarten teacher, 
