
Showing posts from April, 2024

31: Uniquely Me

  " You are the main character and author of your story." All of us are living ch aracters and authors of our stories. The paths we take and the choices we make define who we are and affect the other characters surrounding us.  Our characteristics and traits are uniquely ours, shaped by our experiences and background. Oftentimes, the characteristics that we have, develop and change as we grow and experience more of the world and what it can offer.     Stories are a powerful tool to help us get to know ourselves more through the characters we meet in the pages we read. These characters, in whatever form, shape, or size, teach us what it means to be human through the characteristics they possess. Stories allow us to empathize -- to walk in another character's shoes -- and experience the world through their lens.  This week in Kinder 2, we explored how different stories can teach us more about who we are through the characters we meet. We read a book called Pink Is For Boys

30: On Characters

  "  To me, characters are at the heart of great literature." -Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni A great story is often driven by characters who take you into their world and make you experience their narrative as if you were there. When  characters have agency and control over their choices and actions, they immediately leap off the page and elevate this element of storytelling. Notable characters allow their readers to connect with them emotionally through their common human experiences, or simply with who they are.  The hallmark of a great character is when they become memorable to you, the reader. As we learn about stories in Kinder 2, we discovered what a character is and their important role in a story. Through a simple puppet show, the children learned that characters are the movers within in the story.   We learned that characters can be: People,   like David from David Goes to School Animals,   like the owl from Lacy Walker Nonstop Talker Creatures, like The Lorax or Object