
Showing posts from September, 2023

6: Not A Stick

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules,  making mistakes, and having fun.” -Mary Lou Cook The process of experimentation begins with a wondering or a burning question that simply needs to be answered.  For new discoveries and inventions to take place, someone first asked a question and then thought outside of the box to find out the answer. This is why scientists are known to be natural inquirers and creative thinkers.  This week, the kindergarteners put their scientists hats back on and began learning the art of asking questions. Using what we know about the materials around us, the children picked one thing that is made of matter that interests them. They then learned that questions begin with the words  what, why, where, who, and how. I asked them,  What would like to find out about the one thing that you have picked? Have a look at their wonderings and curiosities. To find out the answers to our questions -- especially the difficult ones -- a