
Showing posts from December, 2022

17: From The Heart

 Some gifts are big. Others are small. But the ones that  come from the heart are the best gifts of all. -Tinku Razoria They say that Christmas is the season for giving. Sometimes, the gifts we give come in the form of beautifully wrapped presents. Other times, they are intangible things that are more meaningful to the recipient.  Tomorrow, we will culminate our Christmas celebration in school with a Christmas market. The children have been excitedly preparing what they plan to sell for weeks. We want our products to be meaningful, so we preserved our favorite stories of Christmas through our paintings and our words. We hope that these will inspire the community to get into the spirit of the season, and to find joy in giving.  (After all, the Christmas market is all about giving   -- with the proceeds meant for charity.) Have a sneak peek of our Christmas  stories and the postcards that represent them: To get the children excited for the celebration, we had a very special visitor who i

16: The Earth Without Art is Just "Eh"

Every artist dips her brush into her own soul and paints her own nature into her pictures. I've always believed that the art we create is an extension of ourselves. The lines, shapes, strokes or colours that we use in expressing ourselves through different art forms can reveal much of who we are or what we feel at a given moment.  Moreover, the way we perceive art may also unveil parts of our personality, as well as how we view the world and ourselves.  This week, we immersed ourselves in our unit on art and emotions by finding out what the kindergarteners know about art early into inquiry, and to learn about their wonderings and curiosities.  To unlock the word, I asked the children: What comes into your mind when you think of the word ART?   Many of the children connected ART with the paintings and drawings that they make, as well as the materials they use. One of the children said that she thinks of paintings when she hears the word art , which led another one to say,  "Ms