
Showing posts from January, 2022

21: Make the Invisible, Visible

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”  -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince What would you do if you had the chance to be invisible for a day? For many people, this is an opportunity to try things that they've never done before. Unfortunately for others, being invisible is what they know. This week, the kindergarteners revisited  one of the most important lessons that we should learn in life: to be kind. Through the story of The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig, the children discovered that kindness also means being able to stop and appreciate people or things that we don't usually take notice of.   The story focuses on the experiences of a boy, Brian, who is invisible -- but not really. He belongs to a class much like Kinder 2 with children who have different interests, personalities, and beliefs. Unfortunately for Brian, no one in the class notices him. Maybe because he's quiet, maybe because he likes differe

20 : What is Your Superpower?

  “There is a superhero inside all of us. We just need the courage to put on the cape.” In literature, one of the most famous character archetypes is The Hero. The Hero is oftentimes the protagonist of a story, the one who rises up to the challenge and gives people hope. The Hero is often gifted with extraordinary powers, a sense of courage, and the will to do what is right.  Everybody knows a hero, whether it’s from the books we read or the movies we watch — even the news tell stories of modern-day heroes who contribute so much to society. It’s easy to notice the qualities that make a hero in others, but the truth is, all of us have the capacity to be a hero in our own way.  This is what I do with my Lego minifigures. 😀 In our inquiry this week, the kindergarteners unleashed their inner heroes and learned how to save the earth, one recycled material at a time.  To unlock the meaning of the word recycle, the children watched a short video that explains how recycling works, and

19: A New Chapter

  “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”  -Edith Lovejoy Pierce A new year often marks a fresh start where one makes resolutions to live a better life or to become a better person. I like the idea of looking at it as a new chapter with a blank page that will be filled up with our stories of new experiences, new learnings, and new growth that will take place within the year.  The Kinder 2 children came back from the break all geared up for the new chapter that awaits them this year. They had many stories to share about their adventures (and misadventures) as well as the new things they learned and discovered over the break. Here are the stories they shared: Jinnosuke Santa Claus came to my house during Christmas. He gave me so many presents. I got a book, Paw Patrol, and apron and pants. I also got crystals! Not crystal bears, but lots and lots of crystals. I